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Anne Mook, PhD

We need social science to address environmental challenges!



Hi there! My name is Anne Mook, and I am a senior team scientist at the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences (IRISS) at Colorado State University.  I earned a Ph.D. in environmental sociology from the University of Florida and was trained early on to collaborate with environmental scientists in a graduate pursuit at the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC). Since then, I have worked on numerous projects to assess and promote sustainability strategies in agriculture, forestry, lakes, and oceans.


I strongly believe that social scientists are critical partners in addressing environmental challenges such as climate change, overfishing, deforestation,  pollution,  and biodiversity loss because human behaviors cause them. These behaviors include overproduction, overconsumption, inefficiency, profit over sustainability, and urbanization. Furthermore, people are (unequally) affected by environmental change and degradation. 

To make progress, we need effective collaboration between scientists (e.g., environmental and social), community partners, and policymakers. Yet, crossing disciplinary, organizational, and international boundaries often causes misalignments and misunderstandings. As a team scientist, I offer lectures, workshops, coaching, and assessments to overcome these barriers. 

In addition to offering team science training and tools, I continue my exciting research as a social scientist on interdisciplinary teams using qualitative, quantitative, and social network approaches. My work has been published in Sustainable Development, Business Strategy & the Environment, Rural Sociology, Forest Policy & Economics, Forest, Trees & Livelihoods, FACETS, and Socio-Ecological Practice Research among others.


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